News - Practice Updates

Pharmacy Opening Hours over Bank Holidays

Pharmacy NameAddress

Phone Number

25/12/23 Christmas Day

26/12/23 Boxing Day

1/1/24 New Year Day 

Adelaide Pharmacy, William Macleod Way, Southampton SO16 4XE

023 8077 7502


09:00 - 17:00


Bassett Pharmacy, 19 Burgess Road, Southampton SO16 7AP

023 80790654

10:00 - 13:00



Boots the Chemists, Unit 3, West Quay Retail Park, Southampton, SO15 1BA

023 80335622


09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00

Boots the Chemists 19-29 Above Bar Street, Southampton SO14 7DX



09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00

Lords Hill Pharmacy, 16-17 Lordshill District Centre, Southampton SO16 8HY




14:00 - 17:00

The Precinct Pharmacy, 2 Shirley Shopping Precinct, Southampton SO15 5LL



14:00 - 17:00


for further information on google maps please follow this link

Non- Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS) - Update

The Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS), provided by South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS), delivers transport for eligible patients who have a medical reason that means they are not able to travel for treatment by another method.

Health Care Professionals will no longer have access to book routine outpatient appointments for patients. You, your relatives, and carers can access Transport Zone to manage the booking process from end to end.

If it is your first use of NEPTS, you will need to book via the telephone and create your record and thereafter the online system will be available. They will require the following information to set up an account on the SCAS patient hub.

• NHS Number


Patients can book via the online platform up to 20 days in advance but no later than 2 working days before the appointment. This platform enables the patient to

  • Place a booking on the system.
  • Amend a booking.
  • Cancel a Transport booking.
  • Obtain an Estimated Time of Arrival

    Telephone Numbers: For Patients that do not have access to book via the online platform you may use the following numbers

    Hampshire Patient Led Line – 0300 123 9833 

target logo

Target Training Meetings 1-5pm

TARGET is a scheme that brings our city’s Primary Care workforce together to learn new skills, hear about new treatments and share good practice. It means that surgery will need to close to facilitate this training but we will ensure that medical care will be available when you need it. The surgery will therefore be closed on the following afternoons but the Out of Hours service (which can be accessed bye calling 111) will cover: 

Thursday 26th September 2024

Please rest assured that we will provide more information on our website, recorded messages on telephone and our public noticeboard to keep you infomred about these dates. On TARGET days lease contact us and listening to pre-recorded messages for advice.

Blood Bottles

Blood Test Service: Blood Test Arrangements for Adults over 16 years age

Southampton General Hospital is offering blood tests to people aged over 16 years on site - for further information please read below

All appointments must be booked in advance. You can book or amend an appointment online at:, or call: 023 8120 4877.

Children’s blood tests have not changed. These are available at Southampton General Hospital, Butterfly Room, and can be booked via 023 8120 2024


Please be patient. Please be kind

Why are GP Practices still working differently?

Things are getting back to normal - why isn't my GP?

The pandemic is not over yet and the modelling suggests that COVID is continuing to spread. We are trying our best to maintain a balance of protecting  our patients particularly those who are vulnerable from unnecessary exposure to risks, we are able to do so by minising physical visits to the practice, maintaing social distance and observe strict measures of infection control.

How are practices working now?

All patients are being offered telephone consultations - this means that you are able to receive care when needed and we are able to offer face to face consultations to those who need physical examination or make sure face-to-face appointments are reserved for those who really need them. We are able to offer video consultations where appropriate. Our system has helped us to ensure that everyone get the type of appointment they need and you don't have to travel to the surgery if it is not necessary. Our experience suggests that in many cases we are able to effectively offer treatment after telephone consultation. We are also able to offer an appointment for face to face consultation that esures we can see you within recommended guidance for infection prevention and control. 

What is Triage?

The doctor will assess all the information from every phone query and eConsult and decide who needs to be seen in person, who needs a phone consultation, who needs to be seen via video and who can be directed to a community pharmacist etc.

What is eConsult?

eConsult is an online way of contacting your doctor to get help and support. There is lots of information that you can use to help yourself too.

Find out more by watching this video: 

Why do reception staff ask personal questions?

GP reception staff are vital members of the practice team and treat all information as confidential. They ask questions to ensure that patients are directed to the best support, within and outwith the practice. They are trained to ensure patients are able to seek advice from their GP or nurse in a timely way and by asking the reasons for your contact they are able to prioritise your request and inform relevant team member to attend to it in good time.

Where else can I get help?

Community Pharmacists (chemists) can help with many common ailments and illnesses and can prescribe some medicines too.

You can also contact Minor Eye Conditions Service to seek advice about eye symptoms for further information please follow link as follows - 

Learn more about using appropriate services in the time of need by following link below

Use the Right Service

What about emergencies?

If it is a genuine medical emergency then you should call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

If you need emergency care but are not in imminent danger then you should call 111

Please be patient

Primary Care Teams have been on the frontline and have been working incredibly hard throughout the pandemic. We really are doing our best to help you.

Just like you we want to get back to as close to normal as possible as soon as possible, but we are not there yet.

Group A Streptococcal Infection (scarlet fever & Invasive Disease) Guidance

We fully appreciate heightened anxiety about Group A Streptococcal Infections spreading in the communicate. We use guidance on the Healthier Together website (App) and Antibiotic Prescribing Guidelines to make decision about treatment – this is based on the FeverPAIN score:

  1. Fever in the past 24 hours (1)
  2. Absence of cough or Mucus from nose like cold (1)
  3. Symptom onset over less than 3 days (1)
  4. Exudates on tonsils (1)
  5. Severe inflammation of tonsils (1)

We base decision about antibiotic treatment on FeverPAIN score (1 point for each of fever, purulence, attend within 3 days of onset or less, severely Inflamed tonsils, no cough or coryza) and consider prescribing antibiotics if score is 3 or more – using guidance as follows:

  • Score 0-1: 13-18% likelihood of isolating streptococcus: use NO antibiotics
  • Score 2-3:34-40% likelihood of isolating streptococcus, use back up/delayed antibiotic OR NO antibiotic
  • Score 4 or more:62-65% likelihood of isolating streptococcus, use immediate antibiotic OR back-up antibiotic

Swallowing tablets for children: As we try to ensure children receive the optimum doses of antibiotics, it is of significant benefit if parents or carers can persuade children to swallow tablets. Follow this advice, or send this link direct to parents or carers to help children swallow tablets:

During our consultation with patients and parents, we try our best to be able to support parents of children with presumed respiratory viral infection and make them aware of features suggestive of Strep A infection, such as clinical deterioration, and when and how to seek further help. You can do so yourself by following safety netting advice found on the link below.

Link to Wessex Healthier Together Safety Netting page:


Signs and symptoms of monkeypox?

In the first 5 days of manifestation of the infection, patients experience 'flu-like symptoms including:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Back pain
  • Malaise (lack of energy)
  • Swelling of lymph glands in the areas of neck, armpits and groin

Note: The presence of lymph glands is the key symptom which differentiates monkeypox from chickenpox.

  • It can take up to 12 days for these 'flu-like symptoms of monkeypox to develop from the initial exposure to the virus. These symptoms usually last 14 to 21 days.
  • After this period, a rash, similar to that seen in chickenpox, develops; predominantly on the face, but possibly also occurring on the palms and soles. The rash appears as as spots with a flat base 2–5 mm in diameter, which change to vesicles (small fluid-filled blisters) and then crust over. The rash usually lasts approximately 10 days or more.
What is the treatment for monkeypox?

There are no specific treatments or vaccinations currently available for monkeypox. As with chickenpox, children are more likely to suffer from monkeypox than adults; most fully recover after 21 days without scarring of the skin.

  • People with possible, probable or confirmed monkeypox should avoid contact with other people until their lesions have healed and the scabs have dried off.
  • Cases can reduce the risk of transmission by following standard cleaning and disinfection methods and washing their own clothing and bed linen with standard detergents in a washing machine.
  • Cases should also abstain from sex while symptomatic, including the period of early symptom onset, and while lesions are present. Whilst there is currently no available evidence of monkeypox in genital excretions, as a precaution, please use condoms for 8 weeks after infection and this guidance will be updated as evidence emerges.
  • If people with possible, probable or confirmed monkeypox infection need to travel to seek healthcare, they should ensure any lesions are covered by cloth and wear a face covering and avoid public transport where possible.
  • Contacts of someone with monkeypox will also need to be risk assessed and told to isolate for 21 days if necessary.

Should you have symptoms of Monkeypox please contact 111 for further advice.


RSV Vaccine

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccination

Posted on: 

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an infectious disease of the airways and lungs. RSV infection often causes symptoms similar to a cold, including:

  • cough
  • sore throat
  • sneezing
  • a runny or blocked nose

It can also make you become wheezy or short of breath and lead to pneumonia and other life-threatening conditions. There is no specific treatment, and most infections will get better by themselves. Every year thousands of older adults need hospital care for RSV, and some of them will die. RSV can be more severe in people with medical conditions such as heart or lung disease or a weakened immune system.

RSV infection is common in young children but is most serious for small babies and for older people.

Who will be eligible for RSV vaccination from 1 September 2024?

Older Adults – Patients aged 75-79

All adults turning 75 years old on or after 1 September 2024 will be eligible for the routine programme and should be offered a single dose of the RSV vaccine on or after their 75th birthday. A one-off catch-up campaign for those already aged 75 to 79 years old on 1 September 2024 should be undertaken at the earliest opportunity with the aim of completing the majority by 31 August 2025. The vaccine will be available throughout the year to eligible patients those who turn 75 or patients that were included in the catch up programme 75-79 years olds. 

Pregnant Women and People at 28 weeks gestation or later

All pregnant women and people who are at least 28 weeks pregnant (the eligible cohort) on 1 September 2024, should be offered a single dose of the RSV vaccine, through commissioned services. After that, pregnant women and people will become eligible as they reach 28 weeks gestation and remain eligible up to birth. The ideal opportunity to offer vaccination would be at the 28-week antenatal contact (ANC), following prior discussion at the 20-week ANC. Providers should aim to vaccinate those already eligible on 1 September as soon as possible.

Is RSV a seasonal vaccination?

No, patients can be immunised with RSV vaccine at any point in the year as soon as they reach an eligible age for adults (i.e. 75-79 years inclusive) or reach a gestation of 28 weeks (for pregnant women and people). RSV vaccination should continue to be offered year-round.

Why is this a single dose vaccination with no boosters?

The RSV vaccination schedule is a single dose of vaccine.

Currently the data is showing evidence that the protection lasts at least 2 years, more time is needed to establish if it protects for longer and that is part of the ongoing surveillance that supports the programme. This will then support decisions on if and when further doses may be required in the future. This would be a decision for JCVI.

Pregnant women should have the RSV vaccine in every pregnancy.

Why are we not offering the RSV vaccines to over 80’s?

The JCVI considered all available information when deciding which age cohorts would benefit most from receiving the RSV vaccine and advised accordingly.  This effectiveness of this vaccination programme will be monitored.

If you are eligible for the RSV vaccine you will receive an invitation from the surgery.